Success Habits

Jesus Denied Being God Almighty



In the Bible, Jesus Christ denied being the True God Almighty verbally and practically.

👉‘he continued all night in prayer to God.’ (Luke 6:12)
‘Just as the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve’ (Matthew 20:28)

⛔️How did Jesus pray to God?

👉‘he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father’(Matthew 26:39)

👉‘During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission.’ (Hebrews 5:7)

🌴 The Quran confirms that Jesus called for the worship of the Only True God:

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✅ “Truly, God is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him (alone).  This is the straight path.” (Quran 3:51) 

⛔️ If Jesus was God, he would have sought worship for himself 
Since he didn’t, instead he sought worship for God in the heavens, therefore, he was not God.

✅ Jesus worshipped the only true God

👉 ‘that they might know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.’ (John 17:3)

👉‘he continued all night in prayer to God.’ (Luke 6:12)
‘Just as the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve’ (Matthew 20:28)

⛔️How did Jesus pray to God?

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👉‘he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, ‘My Father’(Matthew 26:39)

👉‘During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission.’ (Hebrews 5:7)

🌴 The Quran confirms that Jesus called for the worship of the Only True God:

✅ “Truly, God is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him (alone).  This is the straight path.” (Quran 3:51) 

In your Bible ,Why did Yahweh say “I am your God” hundreds of times while Jesus never said that ? Why did Jesus say “My God”, “Our God” many times while Yahweh never said that ?
Use your holy spirit!!

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