My Will, by Dr. Abdulhakeem Abdullateef.

My Will .
by Dr. Abdulhakeem Abdullateef.

I pray for a long life so I can serve Allah more. However my greatest wishc is that Allah takes my life when death is the best for me and keeps me alive only when being alive is the best for me. Aamin.

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To you all my brothers and sisters, ensure you spend your life wisely by obeying the commandments of Allah, your Creator. No one is too young or too old to die before our Lord, Allah. The number of years you spend in this world is not what matters but your ability to spend the few years you have in total obedience to the commandments of Allah to whom we are ultimately accountable.

I do not know the place of my death just as I do know the date nor the time of the day. Allah has perfect knowledge of how many minutes or days I have left. I wish to appeal to all my Muslim brothers and sisters who are present at my death to bury me at any Muslim cemetery in the town I die. Do not waste resources carrying me from one town to another except there is no Muslim cemetery in the place of my death in which case you can look for a neighbouring town where they have a Muslim cemetery. Do not buy any special spot at the cemetery. Please make my final resting place as ordinary as possible with ordinary soil only. Jazaakumu llahu khairan.

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Please announce my death so that many righteous people in the area can pray on my corpse and spend time at my grave to pray for forgiveness for me. Those who cannot attend physically should help me with salatu ghaib in their respective mosques. My name is Abdul Hakeem Abdul Lateef. Jazaakumu llahu khairan.

Please try and reach out to my family so they can ensure my debts are paid before I am buried. If I owe you and it has not been paid please reach out to my family. However If I promise your mosque money which I was not able to give before my death that is not the kind of debt I am talking about. Do not ask my family to pay. That is sadaqah which is based on my capacity before my death. The debt I am referring to is the loan I obtained from people, salaries I owe my workers or goods I bought which I have not settled. My family should ensure they are paid before I am buried. Jazaakumu llahu khairan.

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I have already appointed my executors. I urge the 3 of you to fear Allah and follow strictly the commandments of Allah on inheritance as enshrined in the Quran and Sunnah. I have left out specific information because that is the privacy of my family.

After my burial and the prayers, please go back and face your own activities in life especially your worship of Allah and preparation for your own death. May Allah grant you the ability to serve Him always. Do not gather any place after my burial for any special prayer or special lecture. Each person who wishes to pray for me should keep doing so individually for as long as you remember me throughout the days of your life. May righteous people remember you too. Jazaakumu llahu khairan

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Do not cry for me, because crying has no reward. Do not wail over my death because Allah really favoured me and guided me in this world and He bestowed upon me what He did not give many believers who worship him more than I do. I am grateful for the life He gave me. However because I could not serve Him the way He truly deserves please help me to pray that Allah forgives my sins and accept the very few good deeds I managed to offer as ibaadah. I need only the prayers, prayers and prayers. Jazaakumu llahu khairan.

Please help to keep sharing my lectures so that I can benefit from the reward especially if people benefit from it.

The reason for putting this on my page is because my Dawah activities keep me on the road from one place to the other and death can happen at any point in time. This information is for my followers on this page who are still alive to witness my death and in whose village or town I may die. This will guide the handlers of my corpse to know what to do. However if I die at home or anywhere in Lagos, Nigeria, my family and brothers around will do the needful in shaa Allahu.

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I am afraid of Allah not death. There are only two types of days in my life and I should not be afraid of the two days. The first is the day Allah says I am not meant to die. I should not be afraid of it because nothing can kill me on that day. The second is the day Allah says I am meant to die. I should not be afraid of it because nothing can save me from death on that day.

May Allah bless you all as you assist me at the end of my journey. I am always at the Departure Hall waiting for my flight back to my Lord. Oh Allah I beg for your mercy always. Whoever you decide to protect from the Hell fire and admit to Al Jannah is the successful. Oh Allah, please count us among them. Aamin

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I urge my darling wives, wonderful children and darling family members to remain strong whenever it happens. You are my best friends after Allah and His messenger. S A W. I also urge my believing brothers and sisters to remain strong and keep me in their Dua. Whenever it happens just know that Honourable Iyepe has finally entered Iyepe.

May Allah grant us long life to keep serving Him. Aamin.

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