The Powerful Effects of Sadaqah (Charity)


الهم صل على محمد
وعلى آل محمد و بارك و سلم

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Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said :

“Indeed, sadaqah has a remarkable effect in repelling an array of tribulations, even if it (sadaqah) were to come from a wicked sinner or an oppressor – rather even from a disbeliever.

For indeed; Allāh, The Most High by way of it repels an array of tribulations, and this is an affair which is known by the people – their exclusive ones as well as the general ones, and the people of the earth – all of them acknowledge that – because they have indeed experienced it.”

📖 [Al-Waabil as-Sayyib | P. 69]

See also
Good Manners and Virtuous Deeds in Islam

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