Allah Knows What Is Better Than Our Desires

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh 🌷

In life, we often find ourselves wishing for things we desire, convinced that obtaining them will bring us happiness. When those wishes go unfulfilled, sadness creeps in, and we may question why things haven’t gone as we expected.

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Yet, as believers, we are reminded that Allah, in His infinite wisdom, knows what is best for us, far beyond what we can comprehend. This understanding is crucial to lifting the veil of sadness and seeing the greater purpose behind the events in our lives.

When a door closes, it’s not the end of our story, but rather the beginning of a path that is better for us. We may not see the full picture immediately, but time often reveals that what we perceived as a loss was actually a blessing in disguise. Allah provides us with what we need, not just to fulfill our worldly desires but to help us grow spiritually, to bring us closer to Him, and to prepare us for a greater reward in the Hereafter.

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Instead of focusing on what we didn’t get, we should reflect on all the blessings we already have. Our health, the love of family, the ability to breathe and move – these are immense gifts that we often take for granted. Contentment lies in appreciating these blessings and trusting that Allah’s plan is always perfect.

What we want may not always be what we need, and Allah, in His boundless mercy, ensures that we receive what is best for us, even when we don’t understand it at the moment. True happiness, therefore, comes from submitting to His will and knowing that Allah never abandons those who trust in Him.

Ya Allah, we ask You so many things, but only You know what is best for us.
Ya Allah, give us what is best for us and give us the strength to accept everything you have written for us. Allahumma Aameen Ya Rabb ❤️🤲❤️

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