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There is this one sin that we keep falling in again and again…and again. We keep on repenting and seeking forgiveness, but we fall into it again and again. You give up. You submit to doing more sins. You think you’re hopeless. You fill your heart and mind with dark/desperate/hopeless thoughts. You think you’re worthless. You drown in negativity and desperation. In the end, those with no or weak eemaan commit suicide which leads to hell fire. AstaghfirulLah.

If you fall in these categories of Muslims, then Stop This Now! It’s an insult to ALLAH AstaghfirulLah.
Never buy into these satanic influences! Never. The battle is not over. You didn’t lose. You have the power to come back stronger and more triumphant than you ever were. ALLAH’s Mercy and Forgiveness are there for you! Yes, for you! The only loser is the one who whispers to your thoughts of hopelessness and desperation, and that’s sheitaan.

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If you are reading this, then think of it as a message from The Most Merciful! Listen to HIM as HE says:
“O My servants who have transgressed against yourselves by sinning, do not despair of MY MERCY. Indeed, I forgive ALL SINS. Indeed, Is ME the Forgiving, the Merciful.” ( Qur’an 39: 53). Allahu Akbar. ALL SINS ALLAH SAYS EVEN IF SHIRK OR IDOL WORSHIP, HE WILL FORGIVE AS LONG AS YOU REPENT

See also
Beauties of Islam by Annie Besant

Listen to HIM, as HE says again:
”….when those come to you who believe in MY verses, say, “Peace be upon you. Your Lord has decreed upon HIMSELF MERCY: that any of you who does wrong out of ignorance and then repents after that and corrects himself – indeed, HE is Forgiving and Merciful.” (Qur’an 6: 54).

Now, what’s your excuse? Smile and say AlhamdulilLah. May ALLAH, Al Hayyu, Al Qayyuum, the living and Maintainer of life keep guiding us all and protect us from any satanic influences. AAMIIN.

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