Economizing In The Use Of Water And Not Being Wasteful
Anas (رضي الله عنه) said: The Prophet (ﷺ) used to make Wudoo’ with a mudd (of water) and make ghusl with a saa’ or up to five mudds.
[Muslim (1/156) and others]. A saa’ is equal to four mudds. (A mudd is that amount of water which is held by the two hands cupped together.)
If you consider this hadeeth well, O my Muslim Brother, you would feel ashamed of what some people do these days – one of them opening the water tap and making Wudoo’ and sometimes talking to his companion whilst the water is running out – what an excess in wastefulness! So he who does that should fear Allaah and remember this hadeeth and keep it in mind and follow the Sunnah with regard to using the water sparingly and not being wasteful – and here the true following of the Prophet (ﷺ) is made clear and the true Muslim’s belief.
It is from the Sunnah for the Muslim who wishes to make Wudoo’ to have with him a container large enough for a mudd of water – in order to force himself to return to the following of the Sunnah.