Exchanging Nude Pictures or Video Calls By Unmarried Man and Woman

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Brother: ‘Are you really good in bed?

Sister: Yes, very good, I will handle you till you beg.

Brother: You ke, you do not know me, I can go five hours, none stop, no problem till then, please can you send me the picture of your back and front, or we should do video call, let me just see that your beautiful stuff.

Sister: Stop it jor, you are an alfa now, and again we are not married yet now ….

Brother: We are adults now, more so, nobody is here now, please now, if you don’t show me, I won’t be able to sleep ….

Sister: Okay, but don’t show it to another person oo,… ”

They are believers like us, but the only problem is that they compromise the process, ‘when two unmarried people are together, the third is Shayton’. Hmmmm, stop asking for privacy. We are not angels, and not bigger than the rules of engagement.

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Being conscious in a relationship is a decision, falling in love is a misplacement of desire. It has been observed that many marriage seekers get carried away so fast immediately they meet intending partners they are interested in.

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It is natural to be horny, but it is wrong to be loose without discipline. Obviously, it is a red flag when your intending partner demands for nude pictures, sex chats, visits, lustful audio and video calls. You need to decline effectively because you are aware such acts lead to sins.

But you quickly changed your DP to his or her picture, you are already calling your intending partner, ‘my world, my love, my honey, my dear, my life, etc, yet your marital status is single.

You eventually granted the request to meet in a secluded place, then sex happened, you enjoyed the moment, screaming and moaning with excitement, but shortly after the rejection and disappointment from your intending partner, you go out there to criticize the other gender, this is wrong, you are guilty too.

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Sex is strictly for married people, avoid it if you are not married. A good sex life is healthy for your heart. Besides, being a great way to raise your heart rate, sex helps to keep your estrogen and testosterone levels in balance.

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It is lawful to have love making with your spouse, it is amazing, the response you get during ejaculation or orgasm will tell you more about the act. As good as it seems, sex can lead you to destruction, and it can lead to reward.

With this, it means we should be more careful irrespective of our level, misbehaving in a mere relationship has nothing to do with education or religiousity, if you do not keep to the rules, you will embarrass yourself.

When you caution your intending partner of his or her excesses, and he or she begins to say; ‘we are adults, you don’t need to tell anyone, don’t mind them, I have PhD in Arabic, I am a professor, etc, it is a red flag, when your husband or wife to be rationalize immorality. It is not right asking for privacy in a mere relationship, it is the same as inviting Shayton into your relationship.

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There is no place in our religion where two intending partners are permitted to have privacy, your discussions and actions must be done in the open, there should always be a third party.

Interestingly, sex is an important aspect of our lives that must be done strictly by married individuals, but instead of using it to keep marital relationships, it is tearing the union apart because there is no proper sex education on both sides. We should stop making sex related discussions haram, especially if it will be done to enlighten sincere couples.

Always pay attention to details.

Abu Sheikh

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