
Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah. Alhamdulillah for blessing and guiding us to be part of this blessed day of the week.

ALLAH says; “Satan promises them and arouses desire in them. But Satan does not promise them except delusion.”Qur’an 4:120: A serious trap of Sheitan to be careful about is Arousing Desires.
Every human has desires and temptations. Satan plays on this and convinces man to indulge in instant gratification without considering the consequences. This inevitably leads to regret and humiliation.
Another trap is Wasting Time:
If Satan can not trap someone into sinning, he keeps them busy with trivial acts that have no benefit. Instead of using our time wisely, fulfilling our priorities, and reaching high goals, Satan occupies us with useless actions. Let’s be aware and stay away from Satan’s traps. Please remember that today is Friday. Let’s prepare to go to Masjid early, recite suuratul Kahf, durood for our beloved Messenger of ALLAH and give sadaqah even if a smile or saying Assalaamu Alaykum to someone on your way or in the Masjid. Please do not talk or even correct anyone during khutbah. Avoid holding and playing with your phone during khutbah.

See also
Anger and Bitterness - Reflections

We ask ALLAH to protect us from Sheitan. AAMIIN.

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