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The scholars of prophetic narrations understood tolerance to be a very important concept in Islam and specifically in business.
Ibn Majah includes in his Sunan a chapter entitled, “On tolerance in trade,” in which he records the following narration:

Imam Uthman ibn Affan may ALLAH be pleased with him reported: The Messenger of ALLAH, peace and blessings be upon him, said:
ALLAH the Exalted will admit a man into Paradise who was easy in his buying and selling, in his paying debts and seeking repayments.
Sunan An-Nasa’I 4696.
Muslims should always treat others with respect, kindness, and patience. Islam was revealed to make life easier and to encourage good relationships between people.

In modern usage, the word “tolerance” has come to signify mutual respect and peaceful coexistence between conflicting religions and ideologies. No doubt, Islam supports tolerance on a societal level. Muslims ought to peacefully coexist with any group that desires peaceful coexistence and show kindness to soften their hearts towards Islam. We are living in a modern society where Muslims are on social media fighting each other 24/7, including learned Muslims embarrassing each other and revealing the wrongs of others openly Astaqfirullah. Please avoid listening/ watching and sharing ANY negative content of others as the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam warned us about that which can cause huge fitna to ourselves

See also
Immense Reward in Sitting in the Mosque After Fajr Prayer till Sunrise

As we vote today in Ghana, please avoid any form of intimidation and try to accept whoever ALLAH chooses to be the leader. Please vote peacefully and go home. May ALLAH guide the electural commission to do their job properly.

May ALLAH keep guiding us all and increase us in beneficial knowledge. AAMIIN.

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