Victimization of Muslim students at the UCH Nursing School

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We need Muslim Females in the medical profession.

But some challenges are making our sisters run away from the nursing profession especially.

A sister reached out to me yesterday, complaining bitterly of how Muslim student nurses are being treated in some Medical Colleges in Nigeria.

Read her tale below 👇

“I’m a nurse, it happened that I went for my specialty program as Perioperative Nurse in UCH last year and I finished last month because it’s a one year program.
During the course of study, I learnt that the school only allows us to be using only gown that does not reach the knee, we plead with the management to allow us to be using trouser but they declined. And we are three that are hijabite. We sha opt to wearing pop socks under the gown which causes a lot of problem, but we did not give in to them.
Alihamdulillah we sha use the pop socks till we finished the program with a lot of challenges.
What happened now is that there are now new intake that resumed last two weeks.
Because of what happened during our own set, they now made a rules that nobody should use socks under the gown and there is no use of trouser. They now form new school rules and regulations that all of them must sign unless you don’t want to be their student.
They don’t allow us to go for jumm’at but we use to sneak out, so this new intake they tell them they must not be going for jumm’at because it’s not allowed in the school and they use to put lecture during that time.
The school is a federal government school ooo.
The body council governing the Nursing profession states in their rules that anybody can use trouser or gown, but some people because of their own selfish and satanic interest now want to christianise the school.
Part of the problem we are having is that MSSN UCH is not working at all, and the few Muslim we have at the head are those that did not care about anything they throw to them.
My own concern now is that when will we Muslim stop been oppressed by this people? And for us to stand up against them.
Is there a way to take this up because this lady in those new intake is also an hijabite and how will she now be exposing her legs?
What saddened my mind is that when they are selling this new intake form I met with few Muslim Nurses that want to apply for the course but they did not later apply when they heard that it is gown they are using not trouser.
Muslim sisters cannot pursue their dreams because of the restriction.
We only have three Perioperative nursing school in this Southwest and is challenging to get admission.
Those that are even in their school of nursing, they have created fear inside them that they can’t speak up for anything. Also some of them even converted to Christianity during the 3 years of their program.
The program is a postgraduate course, what I felt for that one year is nothing to write home about at all.
What really helped me is that I did my nursing school in the north, I even wanted to do this specifialty program in the north self it was my Dad that objected to going to northern part again.
Nursing profession own is too much, we are the one having issues all the time.
It’s last two years they fought for the OAU that started using trousers.”

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The above was her tale.

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Publising this is a form of information, creating awareness and a cry for help.

One thing that caught my attention most in her tale was where she said: “The body council governing the Nursing profession states in their rules that anybody can use trouser or gown”

If this is the case, why would some schools prevent their students nurses from wearing trousers? These students accepted the biased rules and decided to wear pop socks under their gown just to protect their awrah, they still gave them a tough time. Now they’ve allegedly made a rule to prevent Muslim nurses from wearing pop socks.

Who will liberate us?

Apparently, there are no Muslims at the helm of affairs in these schools. And the few Muslims that are their members decided to just look away. Or probably they’re those who believe covering up is not compulsory, therefore, they might even see the innocent students trying to protect their dignity as alaseju.

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Who will help us fight this fight? If they continue to deny us or restrict our chances because of our dressing, none of us will ever get to the top and if we don’t, no change will happen.

Treat this message as information, awareness and a cry for help.

Thank you!
Alh Sheriff Onishile

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