Is Forceful Conversion Allowed in Islam?

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🌹Understand Islam 4️⃣9️⃣0️⃣
❓Forced Conversion is Not Allowed in Islam
✅Jews were the dominant religious group in Madinah. They had a special place among other people who were even having their own scriptures and special rituals. Among them was a vow by the polytheistic women that if they were childless or if their child died soon after the birth, they would give the child they had to the Jews.

When the Prophet arrived in Madinah, almost all of the A’us and Khasraj tribes, who were polytheists before, accepted Islam. Even then, the children of many were living with the Jews. But those who converted to Islam wanted their children also to be Muslims like them. So, they decided to take them back from Jews and join them.

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Thus, they approached the Prophet and informed this. It is in that context that the Qur’anic verse revealed: “There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right path has become clear from the wrong.” (Quran 2:256). Then the Prophet said: “Leave them to their way. They have the freedom. If they are coming with you, you can take them; and if they want to refuse and remain with the Jews, then so be it” (Bayhaqi, Abu Dawud, Ibn Kathir).

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There should be no force to accept the faith/Islam. No pressure should be applied for it. This is the basic teaching of Islam. Allah’s command is not to force for conversion to Islam even in the case of one’s own child. What is the justification for accusing Islam of forced conversion when this is the fact?

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On another occasion, Allah says to the Prophet Muhammed (ﷺ) who was distressed by the fact that the people did not accept the guidance despite his hard work: “If their turning away grieves you, then try to show them a sign by making a tunnel in the earth or a ladder into the sky (if you can). Had Allah so willed, He would have united them all to the true guidance. So don’t be among the ignorant” (Quran 6:35).

If the purpose is to bring all human beings to the right path in some way, what would be the need for the Prophet’s mission, the presentation of the scriptures, the discussions and debates, the gradual achievement of the goal of preaching the truth?

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That was possible even with a fraction of Almighty’s power. But, in fact, God’s intention is not to achieve the said goal that way. Rather, he wants the truth to be presented to the people with evidence, and then they use their right-thinking power to recognize it and believe it quite freely.

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Allah says: “If your Lord had willed, all the inhabitants of the earth would have believed. Then will you compel the people to become believers?…” (Quran 10:99).

Every individual is given the freedom to accept or reject the truth/Islam. Allah has introduced the system and conditions to distinguish between truth and falsehood to everyone and thus has given mankind the freedom to choose what he likes by using his intellect.

Allah intends through the creation of man to use this freedom to test all of us which one we will choose. If this selection is the result of pressures, temptations, indulgences or forced circumstances, the test is irrelevant.

Therefore, there is no forced conversion in Islam. One can change faith at only his/her own will. It was not taught by Almighty God or the Prophet to use coercive tactics to convert people. Muslims are commanded to only preach the truth in a respectful and peaceful manner with reason and good advice.

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