Making Idols or Images and Bowing for Them

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“`🌹REMINDER ‼️ “You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God.”“` Exodus 20:4-5

In the name of Allaah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

{He is al-Ḥayy} [40:65]: He is: al-Ḥayy, Who does not die, Who is ever-living, and everything [and everyone] besides Him will have their lives cut off; their lives are not eternal.
(هُوَ الْحَيُّ) يقول: هو الحي الذي لا يموت، الدائم الحياة، وكل شيء سواه فمنقطع الحياة غير دائمها

{lā ilāhā illa Huwá} there is none who is worshiped in Truth, who deserves to be worshiped, except Him; nor anyone for whom singling out in worship is befitting, except Allah;
(لا إِلَهَ إِلا هُوَ) يقول: لا معبود بحق تجوز عبادته، وتصلح الألوهة له إلا الله

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Anything that Comes Out From The Two Private Parts (Front And Back) Breaks Ablution

He Whose Attributes are these.
الذي هذه الصفات صفاته،

So call upon Him, O people, being sincere in your Religion to Him, singling Him out in your obedience.
فادعوه أيها الناس مخلصين له الدين، مخلصين له الطاعة، مفردين له الألوهة،

Do not worship anything besides Him;
لا تشركوا في عبادته شيئا سواه،

neither an idol nor statue;
من وثن وصنم،

and do not set up partners or rivals with Him.
ولا تجعلوا له ندا ولا عدلا.

📚 al-Ṭabarī, Jāmiʿ al-Bayān 21/410
الطبري، جامع البيان ت شاكر ٢١/٤١٠

May Allaah accept our ibaadat and forgive our shortcomings.

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