Performing The Ablution In The Order Mentioned In The Ayaah

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Other Aspects Of Wudoo’: Performing The Wudoo’ In The Order Mentioned In The Ayaah

As for what is narrated regarding the ‘order’ as mentioned in the Aayah, then there is nothing to contradict that – and this order is obligatory (waajib) and it is said:

Sunnah. [See Fiqh al Imam Sa’eed ibn al Musayyib, 1/64].
As for what is related with regard to the Prophet’s Wudoo’ (ﷺ) then it has been reported sometimes out of the regular order. And the proof is:

Al-Miqdaam ibn Ma’d Yakrib said: I came to the Prophet (ﷺ) with water for Wudoo’ , so he washed his hands three times, then washed his face three times, then washed his forearms three times, then washed his mouth and nose three times, then wiped his head and ears – their outsides and insides – and washed each of his feet three times.

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[Ahmad (4/132), Abu Dawood (1/19) with Saheeh isnaad. Ash-Shaukaanee (1/1~5) said: Its isnaad is good, and it is reported by ad-Diyaa in ‘al-Mukhtaarah’. And al-Albaanee records it in ‘as-Saheehah’, no.261].

See also
Washing Each Body-Part In Ablution One Time

So this is a proof that he (ﷺ) did not always stick to the regular order – and this is a proof that it is not obligatory – however, his sticking to it mostly shows that it is Sunnah. And Allaah Knows best.

As-Suyooti says as is reported from him in ‘Aun al Ma’bood’ ( 1/48): It is used as a proof – that is the aforementioned hadeeth – by him who says that sticking to the regular order in Wudoo’ is not obligatory as he washed his mouth and nose after washing his arms.

The author of ‘Aun al Ma’bood’ says: This narration is ‘shaadh’ – and therefore not to be taken in contradiction to the established narrations which put the washing of the mouth and nose before the washing of the face.

See also
Great Virtue in Walking to the Masjid (Mosque)

I say: The difference of opinion between the scholars here is with regard to those parts of Wudoo’ which are Sunnah. As for the obligatory duties – then they are according to the order mentioned in the noble Aayah, and the best thing is to perform all of the actions in the way mentioned in the majority of the ahaadeeth – and Allaah Knows best.

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