Washing The Nose And Expelling The Water


Washing The Nose And Expelling The Water

Abu Hurairah (رضي الله عنه) narrates that the Prophet (ﷺ) said

“When one of you makes Wudoo’ then let him enter water into his nose, then expel it.”

[Al-Bukhaaree (al-Fath, 1/229), Muslim (no.237), Abu Dawood (no. 140)]

Exerting in sniffing in the water as long as you are not fasting is reported in the hadeeth of Laqeet (رضي الله عنه) who said:

“O Rasoolullah (ﷺ), inform me of the Wudoo’ . He ﷺ said Complete the Wudoo’ and rub between the fingers and exert in breathing in the water into the nose unless you are fasting.”

[Abu Dawood, no.l42; At-Tirmidhee, no.38; An-nasaa’ee, no.ll4; IbMaajah, no.407; and others]. (Declared as saheeh by Ibn Hibbaan and al-Haalcim, and adh-Dhahabee agreed to that. Also declared as saheeh by Ibn al Qaataan, AnNawawi and Ibn Hajr. Refer to the footnote in al-Baghawi’s Sharh us-Sunnah: 1/417]

See also
Leaving No Time Gap In Between Steps of Ablution

It is clear from these two ahaadith that washing the mouth and nose are both obligatory (waajib). Ibn Qudaamah says in ‘al-Mughnee’:

Washing the nose and washing the mouth are both obligatory in both forms of purification – Ghusl and Wudoo’ – as washing the face is obligatory in both of them in the established view of the madhhab; and it is the saying of Ibn al-Mubaarak, Ibn Abi Lailaa and Ishaaq, and it is reported from ‘Ataa.

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