When in Doubt of Validity of Wudoo’ (Ablution)

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The One Who Is Not Sure If He Has Broken The Wudoo’ Or Not Relies Upon That Which He Is Certain Of

If he who knows that he has made Wudoo’ then is not sure that he has broken it – then his Wudoo’ remains. And he who knows that he has done that which breaks Wudoo’ and doubts when he has made Wudoo’ thereafter then he does not have Wudoo’ . In each case he relies upon that which he is certain of before that which he has doubt about – and he throws the doubt away. And this is the saying of the great majority of scholars – and it is the saying of Abu Hanifah, ash-Shaafi’ee and Ahmad.

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[‘Al-Mughnee’, 1/193, and ~iqh ul Awaaa’ee, 1/56].

And the proof for this is what is established from Abu Hurairah (رضي الله عنه) who said: Rasoolullah (ﷺ) said If one of you feels something in his stomach and he isn’t sure did anything (wind) come out of it or not – then let him not leave the mosque until he hears a sound or finds a smell.

[Muslim (Sharh an-Nawawi, 4/51), ‘Aaridat-ul-Ahwadhee Sharh utTirmidhee, 1/79].

So the hadeeth is a proof that things remain upon their original state until there is a certainty of a change in that, and doubt does not harm that – so he who is sure of having made Wudoo’ and thinks that he may have broken it, then he remains upon Wudoo’.

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