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The prayer is a sacred act by which a slave meets with his or her LORD ALLAH 5 times a day. This meeting is direct without any intermediary. It is about standing in front of our LORD talking to HIM DIRECTLY! We are asking of HIS HELP and MERCY. We are conversing with the Creator of the UNIVERSE. Which president or leader of this world would ever give us the time of day that our Creator does? The LORD of the UNIVERSE pays each one of us individually special attention when we stand in front of HIM. NOTHING can be as special as that.

But in order for us to feel such a special feeling then we have to ensure that we not only pray our 5 daily prayers on time but that we clear our minds of all worldly things and stand in front of him and imagine him watching us and reflect over the words that we are reciting. The Salaah is a coolness for our eyes, and it connects us with our creator on a daily basis, therefore having a significant impact on our level of EEmaan on a daily basis. So if we want to increase our level of eemaan, then nothing will increase it more than praying the 5 daily Salaah on time.

See also
Washing The Nose And Expelling The Water

Nothing brings us closer to ALLAH than when we are in prostration as the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said.

It is also a means of forgiveness of sins, as the Prophet said.

What is the consequences of those who choose not to pray? Join me tomorrow in shaa ALLAH on their punishment. May ALLAH keeps guiding us all and protect us from any satanic influences. AAMIIN.

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