
The first deed is Shukr (Gratitude to ALLAH). Firstly, you need to make it a habit that every day when you get up in the morning and before you sleep at night you glance at yourself and your circumstances and then reflect on the spiritual and material Blessings that ALLAH has bestowed upon you, and give a collective thanks to HIM for them. Especially you need to reflect on the wealth of Eeman (true faith in ALLAH) and easy circumstances that ALLAH has given you and give your heartfelt thanks to HIM for them, and resolve to use those gifts in a proper way.

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Besides this, whenever a thought crosses your mind about any of the bounties from ALLAH that you enjoy, you should thank HIM quietly in your heart by saying ALHAMDULILLAH.
In other words, whenever something happens according to what you wished or wanted and you feel happy about it and your heart feels peace, you should quietly say, “Al-Hamdulillah” or “Allahumma Lakal-Hamd wa Lakash-Shukr.” Meaning oh ALLAH, all thanks and praises belongs to YOU. Even in difficult moments just say AlhamdulilLah alaa kulli haal.

See also
Allah Answers Every Good Supplication

The second deed is Sabr (patience, forbearance). Sabr is to stop oneself from committing sin or doing something impermissible when something happens against one’s wishes.

In our daily life, many things happen the way we want. Similarly, many things may happen that we do not like. For example, I reach the bus stop and find the bus has already left. So, whether the incident that happens against our wishes is big or small, under all circumstances, we need to have ALLAH(swt) in our minds and keep ourselves under control.

This is what Sabr is, and it is a very important good deed of the heart. In this ALLAH(swt) tests the strength of HIS servant’s Eemaan. To be continued in shaa ALLAH tomorrow.
May ALLAH aid us to be able to practice what we learn. AAMIIN.

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