Recommended Muslim Practices on Fridays


❤ اللهم صلِّ و سَلِّم على نبينا محمد 🌹

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Friday Practices that Muslims Need to Apply :

1. Friday practice by taking a bath before the Friday prayer
The Prophet shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “Anyone of you going out for the Friday prayer should take a bath.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)

The Friday practice recommended by the Prophet is to take a bath before going out for the Friday prayer. This became a characteristic of the Prophet who always maintained cleanliness. So, it would be nice for us to follow this practice of the Messenger of Allah.

2. Increase the use of fragrances
The Friday practice carried out by the Prophet is to wear perfume and miswak, and maintain cleanliness when going out for the Friday prayer. This needs to be noted so that we always wear enough perfume and not too much.

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“This day (Friday) is an ‘Eid (festival) which Allah has ordained for the Muslims. Whoever comes to the Friday prayer, let him take a bath and if he has perfume then let him put some on. And upon you (I urge you to use) is the tooth stick (miswak).” (Sunan Ibn Majah).

3. Applying Friday practices by using miswak
Narrated by Abu Huraira R.A, Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said, “If I had not found it hard for my followers or the people, I would have ordered them to clean their teeth with Siwak (miswak) for every prayer.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 887).

The Prophet strongly encouraged using miswak. We sincerely always model this Friday practice consistently, that is using miswak before performing every prayer.

4. Wearing appropriate clothing
“O children of Adam! Dress well whenever you are at worship, eat and drink but do not be excessive. Surely, Allah does not like those who commit excess.” (QS. Al-A’raf:31)

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In addition to the Prophet teaching the practice of cleaning oneself by bathing, using miswak, and using fragrances, the Prophet also always wore appropriate clothing and did not be excessive. This is in line with Surah Al-A’raf verse 31 which confirms also that Allah SWT likes His servants who are not excessive.

5. Hurrying for the Friday Prayer
‘’O believers! When the call to prayer is made on Friday, then proceed diligently to the remembrance of Allah and leave off your business. That is best for you, if only you knew.’’ (QS. Al-Jumuah: 9)

Allah has told us to go for the Friday prayer and hurry to perform it. As the Prophet often exemplified to rush to the mosque early before the Friday prayer. May we always consistently apply this Friday practice.

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6. Leaving or postponing our trade first
The Prophet (peace be upon him) taught Muslims to stay away from all kinds of worldly activities that interfere and hinder worship on Fridays. Therefore, it is recommended to leave work or worldly affairs for a while to focus on performing the Friday prayer. This has been explained by Allah SWT in surah Al-Jumuah verse 9 as a reminder for us to focus more on worship.

7. Increasing the reciting of salawat on Fridays
“Indeed, Allah showers His blessings upon the Prophet, and His angels pray for him. O believers! Recite salawat upon the Prophet and salute him with worthy greetings of peace.” (QS. Al Ahzab: 56)

Allah SWT encourages His people to recite salawat to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. As servants who obey Allah, we always carry out the command from Allah SWT to continue to recite salawat to the Messenger of Allah.

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As the hadith explains the importance of reciting salawat on Friday: “Recite more salawat to me on Fridays, because the prayers of my people are delivered to me every Friday. Whoever of you reads the most prayers to me is the one who is close to me.”

Friday practice by performing Friday ba’diyah sunnah prayer
The Prophet often performed two rakats of Sunnah prayer after the Friday prayer. Muslim friends can apply it so that we always follow the sunnah of the Prophet and get blessings.

Narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar that: “The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) would pray two rakats before and two rakats after the Zuhr prayer, two rakats after the Maghrib prayer in his house, and two rakats after the Isha prayer. He would not pray after the Friday prayer till he departed. He would then pray two rakats.”

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9. Friday practice by reciting surah Al-Kahf
“Whoever reads surah al-Kahf on the day of Friday, a light will shine for him from under his feet to the clouds of the sky, which will shine for him on the Day of Qiyamah and his sins between the two Fridays will be forgiven for him.” (Hadith narrated by Abu Bakr ibn Mardawayh).

Reciting surah Al-Kahf is a Friday practice that we often hear as the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah. Muslim friends can practice it on Fridays. In addition, reciting Surah Al-Kahf if interpreted deeply can be a reminder to remember how terrible the judgment day will befall humans (QS. Al-Kahf: 7). Thus, reading Surah Al-Kahf will be useful as self-reflection and increasingly follow the example of the Messenger who always read it.

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11. Giving Alms on Fridays
Meaning: “The example of those who spend their wealth in the cause of Allah is that of a grain that sprouts into seven ears, each bearing one hundred grains. And Allah multiplies (the reward even more) to whoever He wills. For Allah is All-Bountiful, All-Knowing.” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 261).

The Prophet always gave alms on Fridays and taught his people to always be generous. In addition to gaining rewards on the side of Allah SWT, almsgiving will help the poor and make our piety increase. We will also always be given reassurance when giving alms and will apply what sincerity is. Due to the many virtues of almsgiving mentioned above, no wonder if the Prophet was fond of almsgiving.

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Usikum Wa Nafsi BittaqwAllaah

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