Before You Sleep With that Young Girl…

Before Sleeping With A Young Girl, Ask Yourself This Few Questions.

Allah bless you with wealth and flashing car, you dress like imam of central masjid and lie to your wife that you have meeting in the office. You want to use that same wealth to destroy poor people Daughters, you went to pick her and take her to a hotel just to destroy her image

It is very important and necessary as a good human with complete sense to always think twice before taking a very bad decision which can destroy your destiny or future.

1. If you really imagine that the lady is very good enough to sleep with, why can’t you make her your life partner?

2. What is that thing that attracted you to the lady? Why can’t that same thing attract you in marrying her and make her yours forever.

3. When you are done sleeping with her, will the sweetness remain in you for ever? You need to think about your future not today.

4. Does she look like someone who can be your wife? Or you just want to useless her life career and go your way? Imagine someone out there is doing the same thing to your Sister or Daughter how will it feels.

5. If unfortunately, she got pregnant for you, can you stand the responsibility of being a father at your age? Think about the shame and disgrace you will bring to your family.

My Sisters your family are poor doesn’t mean you should make your body cheap for any stupid man to have sex with you.

My Brothers and Sisters fear Allah, and Allah will provide you with a righteous spouse.

May ALLĀH (Sub-haanahu wata’aala) grant us righteous spouses at the appropriate time. Aamiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin

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